MRANTI Strategic Research Fund (SRF)
The funds allow for more experimental opportunities to evade the threat of ‘Technological Valley of Death’* and cross into successful commercialisation and market penetration. We focus on specifically three areas which are Sustainable & Safe Mobility, Sustainable Agriculture, and Sustainable Healthcare.

i.e. Dronetech Centre of Excellence, Healthtech Hub and Bioscience Tech Living Lab and Autonomous Vehicle Experimental Lab.
Application Timeline
Expected outcome
Funding Scope

More Information
SRF is one of the funding schemes under Dana PEMACU MOSTI, to fund strategic research and top-down initiative based on priority areas and in line with Dasar Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi Negara (“DSTIN”), 10-10 MySTIE and MOSTI’s technology roadmap.
MRANTI has been appointed as one of the implementing agencies for SRF. MRANTI’s SRF provides a platform for Prototyping and Viability Testing of a project that converts R&D at ideation stage into tangible prototype which is ready to be tested in real environments.
MRANTI is looking for advanced technological R&D projects in areas of mobility, agriculture, and healthtech that are crossing the technological Valley of Death i.e. conversion from Proof-of-Concept stage to the Testing in Real Environment stage (TRL 3-5).
You may submit the application form via the link provided in the MRANTI SRF website for each focus area. The shortlisted applicants will be contacted for further assessment process.
We shall make the announcement from time to time. Please refer to our website under Programme Timeline.
Kindly email your questions to