Dr. Kwong Soke Chee

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Dr. Kwong Soke Chee currently serves as a Research Officer at the Centre for Population Health (CePH), Faculty of Medicine, focusing on enhancing collaborative opportunities across diverse stakeholders, funding avenues, and infrastructure. Previously, she was a technology transfer officer at Universiti Malaya Centre of Innovation and Enterprise (UMCIE), specialising in managing lifescience patents and projects. Her expertise spans medical devices, natural products, digital health, and aquaculture, demonstrating a dedicated commitment to advancing innovation. At UMCIE, she established an innovation and commercialisation ecosystem, managing IP screening, enhancing Technology Readiness Levels (TRL), and securing industry partnerships and funding for innovation initiatives.

Area of Expertise

1. Life science innovation

2. Technology Transfer

3. Pharmacology

Education & Qualifications

PhD (Pharmacology)