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From Ideas to Assets: How MRANTI Supports Early-Stage Ideation and Research

October 24, 2023
Dr. Afnizanfaizal Abdullah, General Manager of Technology Commercialisation
5 mins read

In a world that's always changing and filled with new ideas and information, two important things stand out: ideation and research. These two processes form the backbone of the innovation journey as they bridge the gap between an early idea and its transition into an impactful solution. 

At MRANTI, we believe that ideas and research are important because it provides the structure, methodology, and evidence that will play a key role in the next phase of the innovation process. 

First things first - what is ideation and research? 

Ideation is the starting point of all great ideas. When generating ideas and solutions, the Socratic method might be helpful to guide thinking. This dialogue-based system has five main components that researchers and innovators can use: 

  • Clarify problems
  • Generate ideas and solutions that are based on facts
  • Evaluate the ideas and solutions by discussing their strengths and weaknesses
  • Learn from errors and improve understanding
  • Explore new possibilities for innovation

Likewise, research itself, while seemingly straightforward, can be divided into multiple steps. This is a process that involves taking organised steps to gather valuable information applicable to the project:

  • Locating and defining problems
  • Designing a research project
  • Collecting data
  • Interpreting the data that’s been collected
  • Reporting the findings

Do Malaysians have it better or worse? 

Malaysia, with its rich tapestry of cultures, bustling economy, and visionary outlook, provides a unique backdrop for innovators and researchers. As a nation where tradition intertwines with modernity, it is important to have ideas that resonate with the needs and aspirations of the populace. We are fortunate that our local culture, economy, and supportive ecosystems provide fertile ground for ideation and research: 

Cultural Influence 

Culture greatly influences the thought process of inventors and innovators. In Malaysia, we’ve seen many innovations being developed as solutions for problems. This is the case with Datuk Hew Ah Kow, whose automatic egg boiler is a regular sight in all our kopitiams and mamaks. This invention solved a problem by providing local restaurants and households with a kitchen appliance that can cook perfect half-boiled eggs.

Economic Influence

The economy determines two things: how well you live, and how long you live. Both of these factors are heavily dependent on innovation and technological progress. Malaysia’s economy has certainly affected the way young thinkers ideate. Fueled by technological progression, our innovators are often inspired to create affordable solutions for Malaysians. 

Take the example of the water dispenser. Ooi Seng Chye, originally from Penang, had come to Kuala Lumpur to work at Wong Engineering Bhd, a company listed on the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange, as a purchasing manager. 

Eager to try new things, he created a water dispenser and successfully obtained Cradle Funding worth RM150,000, making him the owner of about 500 RO water dispensing units in Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya. Operating under the brand Good Drink, his invention offers Malaysians with an affordable and environmentally friendly alternative to bottled water.

Support from innovative ecosystems

Universities, research organisations, and government aid can produce the financial support needed to fund the ideation and research process of an innovative idea. MRANTI plays a key role in this particular area. Through our programmes and partnerships, we help aspiring innovators transition through the different stages of ideation and research. Our programmes such as MRANTI Nexus and MRANTI’s Makerslab also provide researchers with the essential tools and resources to develop their ideas.

Moving from ideas to a research prototype

Transitioning an idea to a tangible product often involves a number of steps––one of which includes a research prototype. 

A research prototype is a basic model or test version of an idea. It’s an essential step in ensuring the product or system that is being developed works.

Why do you need a research prototype?

Research prototypes are important for several purposes:

  1. Feasibility Testing: A prototype helps researchers determine whether the proposed solution can be practically developed and whether it meets the desired objectives.
  1. Risk Mitigation: Prototypes help researchers spot important errors in the design or function of the product early on in the development phase.
  1. Proof of Concept: The prototype can be used to test if the product or service works as intended. This is especially valuable when seeking funding or support for further development.
  1. User Testing: Prototypes can be used to gather feedback from users or stakeholders. The data that’s collected can then inform how to further refine and improve the final product.
  1. Communication Tool: Prototypes help communicate the idea more effectively to team members, investors, and clients.
  1. Iterative Development: Prototypes are used in an iterative development process. As issues are identified and resolved, new prototypes may be created to reflect the evolving design and functionality.

Using IP to safeguard your brainchild

After working on your idea and taking it through the process of prototyping and validation, the next critical step is ensuring its protection. 

Here’s where Intellectual Property (IP) acts as a shield, protecting your ideas by providing you legal ownership and exclusive rights over them. Depending on the nature of your idea, the IP you acquire may vary. 

For innovators and entrepreneurs, IP isn’t just a legal formality. It also confirms that an idea, shaped through ideation and research, is unique and valuable in the market. This is why MRANTI has a suite of IP services to help you preserve, promote, and prosper from your ideas and inventions. Find out more about the importance of IP and which type would best serve your purpose on our blog Don’t Screw IP

Why we do what we do

Here at MRANTI, we strive to uplift local thinkers and innovators, giving them the opportunity and tools needed to make their dreams a reality. 

Our commitment to supporting innovators begins in the early stages. We believe your ideas deserve a shot at making change. So, think you got an idea worth exploring? Let us help you take it to the next step with our MRANTI solutions!