Why Malaysia is the Ultimate Destination for your ASEAN Hub
A soft-landing programme for innovative companies. Establish your R&D hub in Malaysia, today.
Why VentureX Hub?
Programme Timeline
By participating in the Global Market-Fit Programme, you not only gain market validation but also benefit from access to a wide network, exposure to new opportunities and innovation, and invaluable mentorship specifically focused on technology commercialisation. These benefits enhance your readiness for international expansion, improve your technology commercialisation strategies, and position you for long-term success in foreign markets.
Business Matching
Conduct business matching with potential partners among local companies through MRANTI’s verticals
Reverse Pitching
Bring in local companies to pitch their products & solutions
Malaysian Market Knowledge & Understanding
Access to Malaysia
Problem Statement Collection
By participating in the Global Market-Fit Programme, you not only gain market validation but also benefit from access to a wide network, exposure to new opportunities and innovation, and invaluable mentorship specifically focused on technology commercialisation. These benefits enhance your readiness for international expansion, improve your technology commercialisation strategies, and position you for long-term success in foreign markets.
Programme commitment
Commitment from participating companies/innovators to fulfill programme requirements within 12 months of onboarding
Business Support
Assistance in:
1. Business Incorporation
2. Licensing
3. Visa/Pass
4. Legal Advice
5. Office Setup
6. Banking Facilities
Company Registration
Register a company with a paid-up capital or a project team setup / joint-venture company / project team outsourcing to Malaysian entities
By participating in the Global Market-Fit Programme, you not only gain market validation but also benefit from access to a wide network, exposure to new opportunities and innovation, and invaluable mentorship specifically focused on technology commercialisation. These benefits enhance your readiness for international expansion, improve your technology commercialisation strategies, and position you for long-term success in foreign markets.
Business Matching
Commitment from participating companies/innovators to fulfill programme requirements within 12 months of onboarding
Reverse Pitching by Local Companies
VentureX to provide participating companies with:
Suitable, trained talent matching
Cost-effective & reliable talent recruitment mechanism
Understanding Malaysia's Market
Hire more than 3 local talents with a minimum salary of RM4,000
By participating in the Global Market-Fit Programme, you not only gain market validation but also benefit from access to a wide network, exposure to new opportunities and innovation, and invaluable mentorship specifically focused on technology commercialisation. These benefits enhance your readiness for international expansion, improve your technology commercialisation strategies, and position you for long-term success in foreign markets.
Pitching Training Workshop
Deliver pitching training to align and set expectations with global companies before engagement sessions start
Partnership Opportunity
Arrange office hours between global local companies to connect, explore, and validate potential collaboration opportunities
Understanding Malaysia's Market
Facilitate the happening of business meetings between global companies and local partners to achieve defined objectives
How to Claim for VentureX Incentives?
Stage 1 - Stage 4 as incentive in a form of programme.
How can I claim the Incentive?
Upon acceptance of the offer letter, you commit to fulfil all the requirements of the Programme below within 12 months
- incorporation of a private limited company in Malaysia; or a project team setup; or a joint venture company; or a project team outsourcing to Malaysian entities/individuals; and
- the Malaysian private limited company or the project team is hiring and maintaining a workforce of more than 3 local talents with an average monthly salary of RM4,000.
You may apply to VentureX for the incentives.
Upon approval, MRANTI shall onboard you to the VentureX. Terms and Conditions applied.
More Information
VentureX is a soft-landing programme for innovative global companies to establish a hub in Malaysia. VentureX provides assistance in company incorporation, local talent acquisition, and Malaysia’s market access.
- To provide potential entry and collaborations with local companies into Malaysia as the testbed and gateway to the ASEAN market
- To assist with the Malaysia innovation hub setup, talent hiring and provide market access in assisting them to establish in ASEAN Market
- To leverage Malaysia’s strong positioning in the regional ecosystem for local and international innovators/ startups
- To instil the exchange of knowledge between local and international startups
Innovators/Startups are required to commit to the programme on a meeting schedule basis for the entire duration during the market access programme. Business meetings will be conducted digitally or physically and innovators/startups will have the rest of the time free to work on their business as needed.